APIs Catalog
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Discover our AI-powered API catalog, offering automation solutions for e-commerce, marketing, HR, travel, content management and SEO. Streamline tasks, boost efficiency, and enhance decision-making with advanced tools designed to simplify your workflows.
Product Intro Generator
Generates impactful product descriptions.
Product Categorization
Generates suitable categories for a product, along with their relevance scores.
Product Review Sentiment Checker
Analyzes customer reviews and returns the sentiment score.
Custom Thank You E-mail Generator
Generates a detailed thank you message after a purchase, excluding the title, greeting, and sender info.
Content & Marketing Automation
Emails Detector
Extracts emails from text for validation and compliance.
Summarize Text
Generates a summarized version of the provided content.
Paraphrase Text
Generates a paraphrased version of the provided text.
Advanced Text Translator
Automates translation into 80 languages with customizable writing styles and context for multilingual applications.
Phone Numbers Detector
Parses the provided text for any phone numbers and returns the original detected version in E.164 format.

Keywords/Tags Generator
Automates the extraction of relevant keywords and tags.
Proofread & Grammar Checker
Ensures the provided text is grammatically correct and polished.
Spam Detector
Spam filtration test with a percentage confidence score along with an explanation.
URLs Detector
Processes the provided text looking for any URLs (even broken ones)

HR Tech
Resume/CV Parsing
Parses a resume file (PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF) and returns detailed data points.
Job Description Generator
Creates a detailed job description tailored to a wide range of parameters.
Related Job Positions Generator
Generates a list of related job positions along with their relevance scores.
Related Skills Generator
Generates a list of related skills with their corresponding relevance scores.
Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
Travel Review Sentiment Checker
Parses the Travel/Hospitality product review and provides its sentiment with a score between 0-100%.
Tours & Activities Product Categorization
Generates a list of suitable categories for the Tours & Activities product with relevance weights.
Hospitality Product Categorization
Generates a list of suitable categories for hospitality products with relevance weights.
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